Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Are Braces In Your Future?

The beginning of the year is a great time for you to get your child’s dental work out of the way. For parents with older children, the first order of business usually turns to braces with the arrival of permanent teeth. Have you been wondering whether braces might be in your child’s future?

While your best bet is to schedule an evaluation with an orthodontist, here are some early signs your child will likely need some form of orthodontic care:
  • Over-crowded or misaligned teeth
  • “Noisy” jaw joints
  • An overbite or underbite
  • Jaws that seem out of proportion to your child’s face
  • Difficulty chewing
If you spot any of these tell-tale symptoms, make an appointment with an orthodontist. Even if baby teeth are still present, earlier treatments to a growing jaw can help ensure long-term success. If you have any questions, please call us at . For information on the dental services we offer, visit our website

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Does A Busy Schedule Have Your Family On The Run?

When busy schedules have your family going in several different directions, your child’s dental routine doesn’t have to suffer!

Keep your child’s smile healthy no matter where you go with these simple dental tips:
  • Have a travel-sized toothbrush and paste on hand for dental care that’s easy to tote around
  • Top off your child’s meal with a glass of water to wash food away when a brush is out of reach
  • Schedule a dental visit after a vacation for professional help if your child’s oral health took a hit
  • Recruit your family’s or sitter’s help in maintaining your child’s hygiene if you happen to be away
While these pointers can help you maintain your child’s dental regimen, there is no substitute for a regular dentist visit. If a busy schedule has caused your child to miss a check-up, schedule an appointment today by calling 269-344-8988. For more information on all of the pediatric dental services we offer, visit our website.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Can you believe the school year is half over?

As you and your child stock up on those school supplies, you’ll also want to keep dental health and hygiene top of mind. 

Here are simple ways to keep your child’s smile at its best while school is in session:

  • Put a small toothbrush and toothpaste in your child’s backpack to use after lunch
  • Fill the lunch box with nutritious, dental-friendly foods like apples, celery, yogurt and milk
  • Pack a water bottle instead of juice to limit sugar intake and oral bacteria growth
  • Have a mouthguard ready to protect your child’s smile during sports and gym activities

It may also be easier to get your child’s dental check-up completed before your busy summer starts. If it’s been some time since your child’s last visit, schedule an appointment today by calling. For additional information on our pediatric dental services, visit our website

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

If you suffer from dry mouth, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from xerostomia, or the subjective perception of dry mouth.

Causes include medications (including those used to treat depression, anxiety, allergies, high blood pressure, asthma, muscle relaxants, sedatives), systemic diseases (Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma), radiation therapy, dehydration, mouth-breathing habits, smoking, and chewing tobacco.

Symptoms of xerostomia include the obvious dry, sticky feeling in the mouth and throat, but can also include difficulty eating and swallowing or wearing dentures, as well as changes in taste or burning/tingling sensations in the mouth.  People suffering from dry mouth often have sores in the mouth, a dry tongue, and cracks on the corners of the mouth.  There is an increased risk of susceptibility to oral candida, as well as decalcification of enamel, acid erosion, and gingival inflammation. 

So what can you do if you suffer from dry mouth?

Because xerostomia can cause substantial oral problems, it is best to talk with your dentist or hygienist as soon as you notice symptoms of a dry mouth.  Early recognition allows us to personalize a treatment protocol for you.  A dry mouth increases the risk for tooth decay, periodontal disease, and candida (yeast) infections.  For this reason, we must make an extra effort to protect the teeth and oral tissues.  We may prescribe oral rinses, fluoride trays, or saliva-stimulating medications.  We can instruct on the proper tools and techniques for home care.  Patients with dry mouth will want to avoid alcohol, caffeine, acidic beverages, or products that may irritate oral tissues (including whitening products).  A humidifier at home can often help, and in some cases, the physician can prescribe an alternative medication with less drying side-effects.

If you have questions about xerostomia or believe you are suffering from it and would like to speak with a dentist, please visit our website and use the "Contact Us" page to schedule an appointment.