Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pregnancy can do a number on your mouth

Do you know someone that is pregnant? If so, you know that there are many things that you have to think about. Your mouth should be one of them. All the hormonal changes can make oral problems worse. Making sure that you are brushing two times a day and flossing once daily will help maintain a healthy mouth.

You should also be having regular cleanings and if you are experiencing any oral problems you should contact your dental office. If experiencing morning sickness and are vomiting, do not brush immediately after vomiting. The stomach acids that are on your teeth can eventually cause tooth enamel erosion. Instead rinse your mouth with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water.
For more information see:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

“Do I floss before or after brushing?”

It is often asked, “Do I floss before or after brushing?”
The American Dental Association recommends flossing daily. It doesn’t matter before or after brushing, just that it is being done!  Flossing reduces plaque in between the teeth that the toothbrush can’t reach and also helps fight against tooth decay and gum disease.  Don’t leave the floss out! Brush twice daily and floss once daily.  

For proper floss instruction you can refer to www.mouthhealthy .org

Thursday, June 4, 2015

"Are Whitening toothpastes a Bright Idea?"

This day and age everyone wants brighter and whiter teeth!  It wasn't that long ago that we were all walking around with natural colored teeth.  Now with all the whitening products and Hollywood actors are new "normal" is a shade of white that isn't even on the natural tooth shade guide.  Whitening tray's and strips work by using bleach to slowly whiten the teeth internally.  

Many toothpaste brands are marketing whiter teeth with just the use of an inexpensive OTC paste, BUT does this come at a cost??
Here's the scoop, any whitening agent that is in the toothpaste is washed off the tooth before it could stand a chance, AND whitening toothpastes are only removing some surface stain.  Along with surface stain they actually can be removing layers of the outer white enamel, which can actually expose the inner layer called dentin which is yellow and over time make the teeth appear more yellow.  Not to mention sensitive.  

Pay attention to the RDA (abrasive scale index) and make sure to always try and get a toothpaste under 70 RDA as to not have permanent damage. 

For more information, check out these articles or talk to us at your next cleaning.